Download citizen sleeper steam
Download citizen sleeper steam

download citizen sleeper steam

Mid-to-late game, its completely useless. In the early game, useful when you haven't found an easy way to recover energy as it cannot fail even with terrible dice.

download citizen sleeper steam

  • Perk 1: Photosynthetic skin: 'Sunbathe' DICE ACTION allows energy recover at home.
  • This will also affect physical drives and keep you alive. This skill will be involved for any tasks that requires endurance, toughness and physical labor. Paired with the first node, you'll never run out of money to buy whatever you want. Most data rewards can be traded in for monetary rewards once your discover the proper agency/connection to do so, and will pay a good sum for every data you gather.
  • Perk 2: Icebreaker: AGENT nodes gives you double data rewards.
  • Seeing as hacking is an extremely good way to get rid of your bad dices, this can make you a lot of money on throw-away actions and save your life. In the early game, getting cryo to buy stabilizer will be the best way to keep your condition high.
  • Perk 1: Transfer Intercept: Chance to gain Cryo on INTERFACE actions.
  • Hacking, gathering information on networks and some Drives requires this skill. This skill will be involved for any tasks requiring working with computers and software. This skill literally allows you to survive endlessly if you play your dice right. CONDITION is basically the real end game.
  • Perk 2: Self Repair: Use SCRAP COMPONENTS at home to repair CONDITION.
  • download citizen sleeper steam download citizen sleeper steam

    At first glance not great, but extremely useful paired with SELF REPAIR (See below).

  • Perk 1: Efficent Extractor: Chance to gain RANDOM SCRAP ITEM on ENGINEER actions.
  • This skill will be involved for any tasks requiring repairs, understanding mechanical systems and projects, and crafting items. Another important factor is that skills will also involve perks, giving you bonus actions or rewards, and these are also a massive game changer. These are very important, as these modifiers basically alter your chance of success/failure of a task by a whopping 16.67%, both ways. Each classes will start you with a +1 in a skill, and a -1 in another.

    Download citizen sleeper steam