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Add the times when a match starts to brackets or groups.Update a player's or team's result pages with recent results.Write part of the history of an organization, tournament, player, or team and add references.Fill out a player's page with information from interviews they've done and add references.Add social media links on a team's or player's page.List an interview a player has done on the player's page.Besides fixing typos or entering results you can: There are multiple things one can do to help out with on the wikis. To know more about the wiki markup language visit Wikipedia's Help: Wiki markup. When editing a page you will have some tools in a toolbar above the editing box to help you with the markup language that the wiki uses for things like bold text, italics, headers, and links. The second is on the far right side of all sub-headers, this allows you to edit the specific section you are on. One is a tab at the top of the page which lets you edit all sections of the page at once. Once you have an account go click on the log in box in the top right and enter your details or if logged in on any of the three sites mentioned just click on the TL quick log in link.

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To register an account, click on the " create account" link on any wiki page, just remember to follow the instructions and complete the registration. To log in and edit Liquipedia you need a TeamLiquid account. You can find us on our Discord server where other contributors can help you. If you feel comfortable with wiki editing or if you want to learn things that are more advanced, feel free to browse our "How to contribute" sections you can find in the menus on the left of the wiki pages. In general, looking at how things are done on other pages gives you a good idea of how you can do it yourself.

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If you are unsure, just look at how it was done on other pages, either by just looking at the page itself, or by clicking edit to examine how the page was created. You log in, click on edit, find the bracket, update scores and fill in names. Filling a bracket is pretty straightforward. Most of the times the pages are already set up by one of the more experienced contributors, and you just have to fill in the results as they happen. You just have to create an account-if you don't have one already-log in, click edit, find and fix the typo, click save, and you are done.Īnother thing that many contributors start with is keeping tournament results up to date while the tournament is ongoing. Many people start by fixing typos, which is actually the easiest way to contribute.

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When you visit Liquipedia, consider adding to it or correcting something, it doesn't have to take up much of your time and effort and it will help other visitors like yourself and Liquipedia as a whole.

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Contributing to the wiki is actually pretty easy and keep in mind that every more-correct-than-wrong contribution is valuable no matter how small.

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